Children in Pre-K through Kindergarten are invited to our Children's Church in the Day Chapel during the 9:00 AM Mass, September through May. Parents must register their children. Children's Church follows the same basic structure of Sunday Mass and helps to prepare our little ones to participate with the larger Church community in a meaningful way. Click here to register.
Sacramental Preparation
Traditionally in our parish, children in Grade 2 are prepared for the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion. For those children in grade 3 - Highschool we will offer a program to walk with your family in faith and prepare for any sacraments you are interested in! Classes run on Sundays, September through May. Parents must register their children. Click here to register.
Children's Ministry (Grades 3-5) Children in Grades 3-5 who have already received the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion, are encouraged to participate in one of our liturgical ministries (Altar Server, Lector, Choir, or Greeter).
Every second Sunday of the month all parish families, children and adults, are invited to this multi-generational gathering to discover the richness of our Catholic faith and celebrate our life in Christ together!